Wednesday, August 3, 2016

AG Product Review: Braided Headband

One thing that I bought at MCM was a braided headband for dark brown haired dolls.

I had wanted this product, but not at the original price. At the MCM price, $3 each, I would have happily bought one in each color, except for limits. And by the time I got there, they only had caramel colored and dark brown anyway. Dark brown and black is my favorite color of doll hair, so I went with that.

I had been warned that it is difficult to get on and off the doll. It took me three tries to get it on Violet.

I understand why it needs to be a tight fit though. If it drooped or fell off, it would be obvious that it was not part of the doll's hair, and there would be no point in using it.

It looks so pretty on Violet, and it keeps hairs from falling into her face. I really like it.

Then I wondered how it would look on Jess, because her hair has that reddish tinge to it.

Aaaand although the hairstyle looks GREAT on Jess, you can very easily see that it is NOT the same color as the rest of her hair. It is sad.

This picture shows the difference in color.

Kaya also has some reddish strands in her hair, but not as much as Jess. It looks fine on Kaya.

The view from above:

It was easier to get the headband on and off Jess and Kaya than it was on Violet. This might be due to the different face molds, or it might be due to Violet's earrings.

Although I am disappointed that the headband doesn't look right on Jess, I am overall very satisfied with it.

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