Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Surprising Pantalaimon

I am at it again! I love surprising my doll friends with doll goodies, especially doll quilts.

This time I surprised Pantalaimon with some goodies.

First I made a nice doll quilt with hot pink and aquamarine.
Yeah, I have been making lots of doll quilts with pinwheels lately. Shut up. I like it.

Then I made a matching dress.

I used the new American Girl brand pattern for it. I really like the skirt. It's all one piece and it has quite an elegant swoop to it.

I stopped following the written instructions when they called for the sleeves to be set in in the round.
There was no reason to do that for doll's clothes. I managed to finish it without any exposed seams and without sleeves set in the round, and it looks nice. Take that, American Girl pattern writer!

Because I never know when to stop, and because Pan finally got the Josefina she has been yearning for, I made Josefina a skirt as well.

Josefina's skirt is pretty basic. There is a pattern available at AG Playthings, but I just used the belt from the same Simplicity pattern as a waistband and cut the main skirt 24 inches by 8.5 inches. It came out exactly the same length as Josefina's meet skirt.

I did two rows of yellow machine embroidery to fancy it up a bit. Obviously Josefina wouldn't have had machine embroidery, but it's really cute. 

Here are both outfits together, and they are quite cute side by side!


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