Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Displaying Dolls

My mom found this bookcase for me at Costco. I had a hard time envisioning it when she said there was a bookcase "like a ladder" and that it would be perfect for displaying my AG dolls.

It turns out she was right!

Each shelf in this bookcase sticks out two inches further than the one above it. That means, that although the rows are less than 18 inches apart, it is perfect for putting AG dolls on the edge of each shelf.

You can also put books or other objects on the shelf behind the dolls! Double duty!

  I have not filled up the shelves yet.

This picture is at an angle to help you get an idea of how the bookcase works.

This also works with smaller dolls, like Hearts for Hearts or A Girl For All time.

But the dolls in question have to be good at standing. If they are wobbly, I would not try this display solution.

Check out my wall color- we just painted this room. The amount of housework I am doing is keeping me from posting as much as I would like.

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