Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Makies are 3D printed dolls that you can design yourself. They are made in London. These little dolls are great posers from what I hear.

I do not have one yet, but she is on her way!

I broke down and ordered a Makie because they were on sale and because I wanted a River Song doll. I love River Song, and I hate the action figures that are out there. This would be a cartoonish representation of River Song, of course. I really liked the doll I designed. and the sale was the tipping point.

River was mailed today, and her picture was posted on the Makie Instagram account!

She doesn't look exactly the way I pictured her, but not in a bad way. In an intriguing way.
She looks paler than I though, and her hair is more reddish, and she looks surprisingly serene.

I am trying to decide if I will touch up her face-up when she arrives. I also really want a toy gun for her- and I am eyeing a dress on etsy.

 I am looking forward to seeing her in person.

She needs to hurry up and get here!


  1. Post lots of pictures! These have tempted me FOREVER! I think yours is gorgeous :)

    1. Thanks, Mandi! She is here, but pictures are sooo waiting until Thursday. I have to work 12 hours tomorrow. Bleh.

    2. Stupid adult responsibilities taking away from picture time! I'm excited to see :)


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