Tuesday, June 27, 2017

AG Trading Cards: Meet Molly

On the front of this trading card, Molly practices dance moves with Susan and Linda while wearing a hula skirt.

The back of the card says:

Molly's mother helped the girls make Halloween costumes. She showed them how to make hula skirts from newspaper and green crepe paper.

When they went trick or treating, the girls got apples, doughnuts, molasses kisses, peanuts, popcorn balls, and their favorite treat. What was their favorite treat? To find out, change each letter to the one that comes after it in the alphabet:

Snnsrhd Qnkk Onor

Answer: Tootsie Roll Pops

This is maybe my favorite part of Molly's story. In second grade, I insisted on copying her costume for Halloween, even though it was much too cold for it!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

AG Trading Cards: Meet Kirsten

I love the illustrations of the American Girls and their dolls. 
Kirsten looks sadly at Sari on this trading card illustration.

The back of the cards says:

The Larsons had to fit all their possessions in just two trunks when they traveled on the ship to America. Kirsten had to leave Sari in the big painted trunk in Riverton because

1. The family had to walk to Uncle Olav's farm since they couldn't afford a horse and wagon.

2. Kirsten had to help carry more important things than her doll.

Answer: 1, 2

Monday, June 19, 2017

Melody Says HI

I just wanted to share this picture of Melody wearing the Wren*Feathers smock dress together with the shoes from her Play Outfit.

They go great together!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose

While I have been on eBay looking for AG dolls to give as gifts, I was not looking for dolls for myself. I most especially was not looking at blonde, blue eyed classic mold dolls. 

But there was this one doll looked like a modern day Alice in Wonderland, and she just seemed to be alive with personality already. I put in a low bid, and here she is.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

AG Trading Cards: Meet Samantha

On the front of this trading card, Samantha and Nellie looks so scared as they look up at Lincoln.

The back of this card says:

Samantha was very upset because no one would tell her why Jessie had stopped working for Grandmary. Samantha and Nellie slipped away in the night to Jessie and Lincoln's house to find out what had happened. They discovered Jessie had left because

1. She'd had a new baby

2. She'd been kidnapped

3. She'd gone to New Orleans to be a singer.

Answer: 1

Poor Nellie had a lot more to lose from sneaking out at night than Samantha did. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Pattern Review: Pants from Jinjia Mixed Goods

Ellie has some new pants to wear!

 These pants were made from a pattern by Windstar.  She is so talented!

You can see her blog, Jinjia Mixed Goods, here, and her etsy shop by the same name here.

These pants are very cool and were easy to make. They have pockets in both the side and the back of the pants.

Back pants pockets

Side pants pockets

I am very happy with these pants. Thanks for the pattern, Windstar!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Jess, my Favorite Model

Jess is just the most gorgeous doll, and she looks good in everything. I am sure this is true of Z, too.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

AG Trading Cards: Meet Molly

Ricky jeers at Molly and her friends as he pedals off on his bike.

The back of the card says:

Molly's big brother Ricky was furious with Molly, Susan and Linda. As he rode off on his bike, he vowed to pay them back because they had

1. teased him about his crush on Dolores.

2. borrowed his bike without asking.

3. lost his basketball in the woods.

Answer: 1

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Kit at the Wisconsin Dells

Kit went on a trip to see the Wisconsin Dells. Since she loves photography, she was excited to see the historic photography studio of H. H. Bennett. It is owned and operated by the Wisconsin Historical Society. You can read about it here.

Here she is outside the studio!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Hearts for Hearts Tipi and Lauryce Re-Release

Hearts for Hearts are re-releasing Tipi and Lauryce! Yay!

You can find pre-orders on them on Amazon here and here.

I am glad to see this. But I already have Tipi, and I don't want Lauryce.

When are they going to release Aya?

That's the release I am waiting for!

The Hearts for Hearts Company says that Aya is tentatively scheduled for 2018.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Sewing Machine Drama

 Well, it's not MUCH of a drama. But I had to take my sewing machine in to a repair shop an hour away.  They aren't 100% certain the...