Monday, June 25, 2018

New KDD Simplicity pattern!

The new Keeper's Dolly Duds pattern is finally being released by Simplicity!

It is Simplicity number 8714.

The pattern consists of Regency designs, and it looks great!

I can't wait for it to be released! It is supposed to be in the fall Simplicity catalog. I will definitely get this pattern as soon as I can.

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, wedding and text

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Hearts for Hearts Shola

Hearts for Hearts released some more pictures of Shola on their Instagram, just like they did for Mosi.

Cute pictures!

This one fits with her story that she learns to be a circus performer.

Image may contain: 1 person, child

I also like the picture of her with a book.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Displaying Dolls

My mom found this bookcase for me at Costco. I had a hard time envisioning it when she said there was a bookcase "like a ladder" and that it would be perfect for displaying my AG dolls.

It turns out she was right!

Each shelf in this bookcase sticks out two inches further than the one above it. That means, that although the rows are less than 18 inches apart, it is perfect for putting AG dolls on the edge of each shelf.

You can also put books or other objects on the shelf behind the dolls! Double duty!

  I have not filled up the shelves yet.

This picture is at an angle to help you get an idea of how the bookcase works.

This also works with smaller dolls, like Hearts for Hearts or A Girl For All time.

But the dolls in question have to be good at standing. If they are wobbly, I would not try this display solution.

Check out my wall color- we just painted this room. The amount of housework I am doing is keeping me from posting as much as I would like.

Monday, June 18, 2018

More about the New Release

The Ready to Learn Outfit is cute, and is probably my favorite of the new moddie outfits.
I like that it has so many pieces.
American Girl Ready to Learn Outfit for 18-inch Dolls

The Volcano lab set is silly because Our Generation has already had one out for at least a year.
American Girl Volcano Lab Set

The Cool Colors Outfit makes me thing of Claudia Kimchi from the Babysitters Club.
American Girl Cool Colors Outfit for 18-inch Dolls

I like the pizza party set.
All of the food pieces are something that I would eat and would make a fun sleepover.
American Girl Pizza Party Set

I don't like the pink ruffle or belt on Nanea's new dress. They seem out of place.
American Girl Nanea's Luau Dress for 18-inch Dolls

Luciana's new dress is okay, it just seems really basic.
American Girl Luciana's Starry Night Outfit for 18-inch Dolls

I wish they would make more every day clothes for Rebecca instead of movie dresses. This one reminds me of Lady Mary on Downtown Abby, However.
American Girl Rebecca's Movie Premiere Outfit for 18-inch Dolls

So those are my feels about the new release. I wish there had been more historical items, but I am glad there were some historical items.

What items did you like the best?

Read part one about this release here.

New American Girl Release

American Girl Truly Me™ Doll #80

American Girl broke with tradition by releasing the new goodies on a Monday instead of a Tuesday.

I was not excited about this release until it realized it was here.

I like the new dark Josefina mold, Truly Me #80. She is cute.

I like the Not!Kanani, #79, but I wish she had brown eyes instead of hazel.
American Girl Truly Me™ Doll #79

Sushi PJs are cute, but not my thing.
American Girl That's How We Roll PJs for 18-inch Dolls

I am glad there are boy PJs. I feel like the bottom of the PJs could match the top better, though.

I am getting into gardening, so I like Kit's gardening stand. Why does it say it is limited quantities, though?
They just released it today!
American Girl Kit's Garden Stand
I like Kit's overalls! It is her third pair of overalls, which is kind of a lot. I was hoping the overalls would be for Rebecca, since it would be something new for her collection. And I don't even collect for Rebecca.
American Girl Kit's Gardening Outfit for 18-inch Dolls

More on the new release can be read here.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Hearts for Hearts Mosi

Hearts for Hearts recently released some new pictures for Mosi on Instagram. The post confirmed that Mosi will be re-released in the fall.

Image may contain: 1 person, child and outdoor

 It didn't mention Shola, who is supposed to be released alongside Mosi.

I love Shola, so I hope we see some pictures of her soon!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


I just got a notice that my Girl For All Time Elinor has shipped! Squee!

I am so excited!

Sewing Machine Drama

 Well, it's not MUCH of a drama. But I had to take my sewing machine in to a repair shop an hour away.  They aren't 100% certain the...