Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Dolls and Zit Cream

 This is a picture from May that I never posted to the blog.

I was doing zit cream treatment for the secondhand dolls.

I covered any stains on the vinyl with zit cream and then Saran Wrap. The zit cream was over-the-counter 10% benzyl peroxide.

I covered their bodies with grocery bags if they weren't being treated, in case of birds or something.

Then I put the dolls out on the porch to soak in the sun.

I think I treated a total of seven dolls. I did GOTY Nicki, Josefina II, Isabelle, Mia, Angelica (JLY 26), Sophie (JLY 32) and Rachel (JLY 12.) 

It took several days of treatments. Each doll got 3-7 days. I replaced the zit cream if it totally dried up. Usually each application of zit cream lasted two days before drying up.

Some of the dolls have lost all of their stains. Some still need a bit more treatment. But it really works and they really look better!

I didn't take before and after pictures. It was overwhelming enough putting the dolls out each day, taking them in at night and checking progress.

I don't know what to do about Mia, who has pink staining around her eyebrows. Zit treatment on her would fade the eyebrows as well at the stain. I just treated her legs.

The Corolle baby doll you can see on the right didn't have any stains. I am trying to get rid of a persistent smell of cheap perfume, and hoped that sun exposure would help her. She has been soaked in baking powder, run though the washing machine, washed with vinegar and soaked in the sun, and she still smells. Originally she smelled like cigarettes and cheap perfume. Now she only smells like perfume, so I guess that's progress.

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