Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Summer days

Hi guys, I took some pictures of a few dolls outside yesterday.
I wanted to share these.
I am also on Instagram, my name there is igsbeth. Feel free to follow me there!

The pandemic has meant for me, among other things, less freedom to take pictures of my dolls and take pictures of them.

I am also going to have much less Internet access than usual for the month of July.

I have a couple of posts pre-scheduled, though.

It may be quiet here, but I will be back when I can!

I may be more active on Instagram for July. It's faster to post a single picture than to do a whole blog post with commentary.

 Nanea and Mele! Nanea's lei was a gift from Inky's Mom!

 Joss and Murph are picking raspberries.

 Addy climbed a tree!
 Close up of Nanea

 Kit is looking for ripe raspberries. If she picks enough, she can make jam!

 Mara climbed a tree!

Another picture of Joss.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

MCM 2020 News

The Madison Children's Museum American Girl Benefit sale will be online only this year.
They will not be selling tickets other than the tickets that were already sold.
All items will be shipped, and shipping may be expensive.

All of a sudden, everyone wants MCM tickets, haha.
Everyone who ever dreamed of going to MCM can now do so, if only they can get one of those golden tickets. It's like Willy Wonka.

I am not sure I am going to participate in the sale this year.
If I do sell my ticket, I have a friend who has already expressed interest.

The reasons I am not sure I will go are:

a) I don't think the online shopping experience will make an interesting blog.
b) I honestly have all the dolls I am interested in.
c) Financial caution
d) Since I live locally, having to pay expensive shipping is going to negate some of the bargains for me.
e) My ticket time is at noon, and I don't want to sit around all day waiting for my entrance time when I could be out doing something.
f) I live with very nosy people, and I don't want them to get all in my business about why I need to go on the Internet at this specific time.

I am most disappointed about not getting to meet with some of my wonderful fandom friends who were planning to go.
That includes the masterminds behind the following blogs: A Peek Into the PantryLa Vie Revee de SabineNorthbound Dolls and American Girl Outsider. It would have been epic!

If you live elsewhere, and MCM is now accessible for you for the first time, I am happy for you! Good luck!

My friend Gwen who blogs at A Peek Into the Pantry pointed out that museums are really struggling with funding right now, so the benefit sale is very important for the Madison's Children Museum.

So if you are shopping, please be kind to those running the sale! They are working hard to provide important funding!

Here is the whole post from their Facebook page:

Friday, June 5, 2020

Lottie Doll Kid Activist Meg

I pre-ordered the Lottie doll Kid Activist Meg, back when she was first released. I think it was November 2018.

I thought she was really cute, and I liked her message. I also really like Lottie doll Mia, and she needed a friend.

Unfortunately, there was a mix-up where she was mailed out and didn't arrive.

The company was really great and re-sent her, but the delay soured my enthusiasm a bit.

She did finally arrive!

Front of Box
Back of Box

Lottie doll Meg comes with a placard that says "Kids Voices Matter," a tiara, and a megaphone.
She wears a green jacket, a yellow T-shirt that also says "Kids Voices Matter," and denim shorts.

Meg is inspired by real-life kid activist Mari Copeny.

I have not put the tiara on her yet, I am afraid of breaking or losing it.

She can really hold the megaphone, but it only works on her left hand. I tried to put in on her right hind at first.

She is really cute!

She looked hot in her jacket, so I took it off.

Meg can stand well on her own.
Mia was the first Lottie doll I got and did not stand well on her own I think this is due to the heels on Mia's wellie boots.

Wildlife Photographer Mia joined her so that they could hold a mini Black Lives Matter protest.

Meg may be a small doll, but she has a big message, and one that is very important at the moment.

I highly recommend her, and would suggest getting her for any child in your life that plays with dolls.

Don't forget that everyone deserves equal rights, and that Black Lives Matter.

You can read my review of Meg's friend, Wildlife Photographer Mia, here.

Meg and Mia are currently my only Lottie dolls, but I am also interested in the Sinead doll. This doll represents a real-life Little Person, Sinead Burke, who works in the fashion industry.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Bedroom Inspiration for Joss

I saw this ad from Joann's with a surfboard headrest and a shark quilt, and I thought it would be perfect for Joss!

There is a link on their website, with directions on how to make the quilt, which could be adapted for doll size.

Link to Website

Sewing Machine Drama

 Well, it's not MUCH of a drama. But I had to take my sewing machine in to a repair shop an hour away.  They aren't 100% certain the...