Friday, July 3, 2015

Welcome, Addy Walker

I have been meaning to get Addy for years now.

I keep looking at her.

But I don't like to buy a lot of dolls at once, so when I bought Kaya and then Zia, it mean putting off buying Addy. Even though I was buying clothes for Addy all along.

Then I decided when the new BeForever dolls were released that I would go to the AG store and pick out a BeForever Addy. I loved the new blue meet dress,

However, I was looking at ebay late one night and one particular Addy called my name, and here she is!

I was really impressed with how she was packaged- she was wrapped thoroughly, first in quilt batting, and then in bubble wrap. She may be the most securely packaged doll ever.

She came with a surprise- a doll sized log cabin quilt! How cool!

I tried to take a picture of Addy with the quilt, but the quilt just looks like a white rectangle.

Here is the quilt on its own.

I am pretty sure Addy is actually Pleasant Company. She has squishy vinyl, soft eyelashes, and no body tag.

I think she is happy to be here!

Zia is welcoming her to the family.

I will take more pictures, but it is raining buckets today, and I am limited to the ones I took yesterday.


Sewing Machine Drama

 Well, it's not MUCH of a drama. But I had to take my sewing machine in to a repair shop an hour away.  They aren't 100% certain the...