Sunday, April 9, 2017

Pussy Hats Encore

I am posting these pictures with permission from diagonalta at American Girl Collectors.

She made this very creative photo story with pussy hats that I made, and I love it!

Thanks to IGSBeth, some of my girls have pussy hats now too! Melody is leading the march!

But wow, who knew sweet little Melody could fight like that. She got Saige on the floor to get her hat for herself, and the whole time Melody was yelling, "I'm the Civil Rights girl, I get the pussy hat!" Wow! 

And then was all sweetness and light as soon as she got the hat.

After that, no one argued when Melody wanted to be the leader.

Saige is pretty unhappy I never found the OG Under the Weather set though. She could really use some dolly aspirin and an ice pack right about now.


Isn't that hilarious? Thanks for sharing, diagonalta!

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