Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thimbles and Acorns Prairie Dress for RRFF

 I was looking for doll clothes to sew for Ruby Red Fashion Friends, and I was delighted to realize that I own the Thimbles and Acorns Prairie Rose pattern for Wellie Wishers.

Wellie Wishers and Ruby Red Fashion Friends are slightly different sizes, but so far I haven't had any problems with them sharing clothes. The biggest size different is in the size of the heads, not the bodies, I think. It makes them look more dissimilar than they are.

I made this pattern before, in American Girl doll size. You can see my version of that here: Blog Link.

The pattern has both a modern version and a historical version. I was torn on which version to make, but so far I have chosen to make the historical version. I think that they are both pretty.

I think if I make the modern version in the future, I might make the skirt somewhat fuller.

These dolls are somewhat taller and thinner in proportion than the AG dolls. This sometimes feels a bit odd when I am taking picture. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Again, you can see Stella hiding her sneakers under her historical dress. Ha.

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